First Timer,

estas Listo? Are you ready for this!?

Don’t be scared, we’ve got you covered. We’ll teach you everything you need to know to be successful in class and give you a great workout experience!

Be Awesome Today

Welcome to XP360!

Before Class

Set yourself up for success by showing up 15 minutes early to meet the coaches.

All you need to bring with you are your water, towel, and “Yes I can” mentality.

Coach Demo

Meet your Coach.

Let them take care of you by sharing any physical limitations or injuries. They will brief you on the day’s workout and what to expect so that you have the best experience possible.

During Class

We’ve got you from here:

  • 50-60 minute class

  • Instructor-Led Class

  • Group Setting

  • Total Body Workout

  • Cool Down & Stretching


Ready to get started?

Purchase your Intro Class Pack and Book your first class today!